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Two ALRI Surveys on Property Division for Unmarried Couples

Ken Proudman Executive
 view Arbitrator profile
   Edmonton, Alberta

The Alberta Law Reform Institute is using two surveys to gather feedback relating to potential changes to property division for unmarried/"common-law" couples. There's a General Survey and a Technical Survey.

The surveys have been released in conjunction with the ALRI's Report for Discussion 30 published last month, titled "Property Division: Common Law Couples and Adult Interdependent Partners". Erika Hagen of Crerar Law is currently writing a summary of the ALRI's Report for

The surveys have been written in a way that you don't need to have read the Report though, both contain a brief summary of some significant factors before each question.

Any thoughts? Feel free to discuss them in the comments to this announcement

1 6 years ago - edited 6 years ago

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