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Event: Family Law Contracts Seminar (LESA, Calgary)

Ken Proudman Executive
 view Arbitrator profile
   Edmonton, Alberta

Hosted by LESA in Calgary from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm on October 10, 2019


I've been working with several other lawyers to assemble a new separation agreement precedent which incorporates the changes to the Divorce Act and Matrimonial Property Act. We'll be distributing the precedent at this seminar.

Our panel will start by discussing drafting considerations at the negotiation stage, then we'll review a large number of drafting issues and clauses, review the new DA/MPA changes as they affect drafting, followed by challenging agreements.

In particular, I'll be discussing drafting considerations due to recent decisions affecting businesses and the amount for eligible dependent tax credit, among several other issues. Out of respect to LESA, I don't post seminar slides or videos to FamilyCounsel.

I look forward to seeing you there!

0 4 years ago

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