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Update Memo Re: Provincial Family Court (Edmonton)

Amanda Baretta
  Latitude Family Law
   Edmonton, Alberta

Following the first week of "normal" 441 Family Docket, please see the attached Update Memo from ACJ Holmstrom.

Download Update Memo - PDF file attached - May 29, 2020

Caution: we recommend that you scan this file for viruses and malware prior to opening or otherwise using it.

2 3 years ago

Christina Wallace
  Christina Wallace Law
   Wetaskiwin, Alberta

Very handy! Thanks so much for sharing.

0 3 years ago

Sarah Dargatz
  Latitude Family Law LLP
   Edmonton, Alberta

Regarding emailing the TCO to set dates - the email address is The clerk made it very clear this email is for counsel only, they don't want SRLs emailing. You can also set dates in court.
There is no form to request a date, simply send an email with your availability.
Note that the TCO will likely give you first available of whatever you've requested so if you have any considerations (ex. you don't want a weekend in the middle of your trial, you don't want the JDR and trial to be only a day apart, etc.) you may want to set this out in your email.

1 3 years ago

Sarah Dargatz
  Latitude Family Law LLP
   Edmonton, Alberta

I appeared in person in Edmonton Provincial Court Family Docket this afternoon. The clerks appear to be particularly overwhelmed, so be realistic in what you expect of them at this time.

Webex is not actually available right now as the clerks haven't been trained to use it.

If you're sending a letter to appear by phone, send well in advance (3+ days) to make sure it makes it to the file. If the clerk needs to call more than 2 people (and if 1 person has an extension, they will count as two people) the court's phone system can't support this. If your system does, you may want to offer to initiate the call.

There were very few people there in person today so it felt quite safe. It may be worth the peace of mind to appear in person if you can (or have at least one counsel in person who can ensure the other counsel is called). Your clients do not need to be there (and likely should not be there - you can always have them on telephone stand by) in order to keep the numbers down.

1 3 years ago

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