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List of Albertan family law firms

Ken Proudman Executive
 view Arbitrator profile
   Edmonton, Alberta

I created a new tool to let you know who practices law in smaller towns so that you can send them referrals, and which are some of the larger firms in the cities. You can find it here:

It's based off of the number of registered lawyers on this website, so it's not entirely accurate, but it should still be helpful. As there are literally hundreds of practices in the province and the intent wasn't to list each individual practice, I had to employ a methodology to limit results in larger centers, which is explained on the page.

If you'd prefer not to be listed, please let me know. Because it's based off of an algorithm and methodology, I can't really add any firms or change the order in which they're listed.

0 3 years ago

Max Blitt QC
  Spier Harben
   Calgary, Alberta

Hi Ken:

Kindly add Spier Harben to the Calgary roster. Bill Aron QC, Max Blitt QC, and Brad Spier Practise family law in our firm.

Max Blitt QC

0 3 years ago

Ken Proudman Executive
 view Arbitrator profile
   Edmonton, Alberta

Hi Max, the list is automatically generated and ranked based on the number of lawyers with accounts on this website, then by lawyers who have been a part of this website for a long time, capped to 10 firms per municipality (listing each firm would have led to an enormous list). That means that if Bill and Brad sign up for this website and list the same firm name as you (exact same wording), because you've been a member of this website for a long time your firm will appear on the list (based on current standings anyways, the list can always change as more firms sign up).

0 3 years ago

Max Blitt QC
  Spier Harben
   Calgary, Alberta

Sorry that should have read Bull Aaron QC

0 3 years ago

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