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QB rejections

Ken Proudman Executive
 view Arbitrator profile
   Edmonton, Alberta

1) Clerks are starting to put people on notice that a signed checklist needs to be sent along with filed documents:

2) Concise letters are being rejected where they don't have bookmarks and OCR (hopefully LESA or the CBA will host a webinar on electronic document formatting).

3) This is a reminder that the grace period for the new Affidavit of Applicant form for desk divorces is over, so you'll need to use the new form:

0 3 years ago

Anonymous 2019
   Edmonton Region, Alberta

Any word on direction from the courts regarding submission of large documents? Most email providers have a limit on size of documents that can be sent and received. Often OCR increases the size of documents exponentially and optimizing the size after does not reduce the size enough.

1 3 years ago

Wayne Barkauskas, K.C. Executive
 view Arbitrator profile
  Wise Scheible Barkauskas
   Calgary, Alberta

And the new affidavit in support of a divorce is 12-13 pages long! It's impossible for an assistant to fill out in most cases so here we go.... lets just add a few hundred more in costs for clients to have the assistance of a lawyer! This all seems to be a subtle effort to get lawyers out of helping people with family law matters all together.

1 3 years ago

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