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Event: Family Town Hall Meeting (Edmonton and Calgary) (Court of Queen's Bench, Alberta)

Ken Proudman Executive
 view Arbitrator profile
   Edmonton, Alberta

Hosted by Court of Queen's Bench in Alberta from 12:30 pm to 2:00 pm on April 27, 2021


(I don't know when it actually ends, so 2pm might be wrong)

There will be a virtual Family Town Hall Meeting for members of

the Bar on Tuesday, April 27, 2021 at 12:30 pm in both Edmonton

and Calgary.

The Webex address is:

The Agenda for the meeting is attached.

Due to the number of people expected to attend, you are asked to

send any questions you would like answered, as well as

suggestions or feedback to by not

later than 4:00 pm on April 21, 2021.

1. Welcome and Opening Remarks

2. Family Docket Court (Revised Notice to Attend; Attaching Orders to NTA; Stats;

Prior ADR; Prior disclosure; Be prepared to address cross-applications, consent

orders of substance, need for longer EICC slots)

3. Divorce Act Changes (Desk divorce applications; Deleting clauses in FL-23 and N/A

Responses; Parenting Plans)

4. Early Intervention Case Conferences (Better preparation, including settlement

discussions; Complete disclosure; Come prepared to resolve matters)

5. Chambers (Application Must be Filed; Respect Endorsement limitations; Sending

Orders to Justices)

6. Hague Service Convention Announcement

7. Urgent Matters (Processes for urgent without notice matters, urgent with notice

matters, and Fiats)

8. Consent Orders (Shortening PN 2 deadlines; Pension Division Orders; Severance)

9. Clerk Shortages

10. Adjournment Process (Family Docket; Chambers; EICC’s; Special Chambers,

Resolution Counsel)

11. Scheduling Trials, Summary Trials, and Oral Hearings

12. New MEP Program for Lawyers

13. Court Decorum for Webex

14. Questions/Feedback from the Family Bar

0 3 years ago

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