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Family content now complete on

Ken Proudman Executive
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   Edmonton, Alberta is a project of the Alberta Legal Information Society, funded by the Alberta Law Foundation. This month ALIS announced that the project is complete, although they intend to continue to regularly update the content. The announcement can be read here, which also sets out how to obtain posters, brochures, and information cards.

For those not familiar with the service, contains information about family law for the public, including overviews of various topics, FAQs, a glossary, a search feature, and a tool that provides relevant content after readers answer a few questions about their circumstances (their "Guided Pathway"). It addresses an impressive number of topics, and it's fairly well written. I've been sharing it with Parenting After Separation attendees, since it's an excellent resource both for self-represented litigants, as well as represented clients who are looking for answers but want to keep their legal bill down.

0 6 years ago - edited 6 years ago

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