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Feb 4th - Innovation Sandbox: Developing Innovative Models for the Delivery of Legal Services

Tracy C Brown Executive
 view Arbitrator profile
  Brown Law Group
   Edmonton, Alberta

The Small Solo & General Practice (SSGP- North) Section of the CBA is hosting a meeting on February 4th at noon on Zoom with Len Polsky, the Manager of Legal Tech & Mentorship at the Law Society who will present on the INNOVATION SANDBOX initiative of LSA which will be open for applications in February 2022.

This initiative may be of interest to Family Lawyers -- or at least one would hope it would be (please tell me there is someone in Alberta with the time and energy to propose something innovative to develop paralegal services in Family Law in a way that protects the public, promotes access to justice and has a critical mass of lawyers buying in (no small task)!

It's a broad initiative seemingly open to pretty much anyone with innovative proposals thinking outside the box. Anyone interested in hearing more about it all, join us on February 4th at noon on Zoom (if you are a CBA Member). The CBA registration notice should be out soon.

0 2 years ago

Anonymous 2019
   Edmonton Region, Alberta

I don't understand the innovation sandbox.

I don't see how the Legal Profession Act allows the LSA to regulate persons who are not members of the law society.

I understand that the LSA is empowered to deal with unauthorized practice. But this seems to be something different. This looks like a pathway for unauthorized practice to become authorized.

So is this innovation sandbox some sort of consent to be regulated (by a non-member) via contract? .... And how does the LPA authorize the LSA to do that?

If you were a businessperson tasked with building a new business, wouldn't you want regulatory certainty before you undertook that task?

For example, what happens to the business you build after your contract with the LSA expires?

1 2 years ago

Tracy C Brown Executive
 view Arbitrator profile
  Brown Law Group
   Edmonton, Alberta

Good questions to put to the speaker from the Law Society! No doubt -- it's a potential quagmire.

0 2 years ago

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