
Challenges in Representing Children

Ken Proudman - view Arbitrator profile
BARR LLP (Alberta)

Hosted by CBA Child & Youth North in Edmonton from 12:00 pm to 1:15 pm on June 24, 2021


Patricia Hebert, Q.C.
Bruyer & Mackay LLP
Kathleen Linton
Linton Law Office
Christie Callihoo
Slaferek Callihoo

"Challenges in Representing Children"
Panel Discussion addressing challenges faced by child's counsel, including:

1. Which role to take when it is not specified in a court order;
2. How to approach a file where the child does not want to be involved in the process and/or does not want to share their views
and preferences;
3. How to identify and address conflicts that arise when representing a sibling group;
4. How to deal with difficult parents, parties, and counsel; and
5. How to ensure limited hours on a file are being used most efficiently.
If time permits, the Panel will be available to answer questions from attendees.


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