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Upcoming Tools

Marginal Tax Calculator

The Marginal Tax Calculator assists lawyers to calculate the approximate tax consequences of various transactions, such as net retirement income, liquidating assets, and the additional taxes payable upon spousal support payments.

The "marginal" tax rate is the percentage of tax applied to income for each tax bracket. Even high income earners don't pay tax on an initial amount called the basic personal amount, and also receive the benefit of each tax bracket, your entire income isn't taxed at your highest bracket.

Status: complete, just need to make a change to how the basic personal amount is calculated.

Client Input Website: will be a place where clients can type in their lawyer's name, input their assets, debts, exemption, and other information, and then have it sent to their selected lawyer.

From there, the lawyer will be able to automatically generate Sworn Statements of Income, Assets, and Liabilities, and automatically convert the data into a Matrimonial Property Statemnt (see below).

Status: the client side is complete, just need to finish the part that automatically creates a Sworn Statement and sends it to the Matrimonial Property Statement, so that it's useful.

Matrimonial Property Statement

This tool is intended to replace the Excel spreadsheet model of Matrimonial Property Statements. It will permit quick comparisons of each party's numbers and positions, permit for more accurate tax calculations, facilitate calculations of unequal property division, let lawyers compare their numbers so that it's easier to see where you're apart, permit quick comparisons of multiple scenarios, and much more.

Status: programmed much of the basics years ago, but put it on hold so that I could finish the tax calculator and client input website. I'll be able to return to finish this soon, hopefully in fall 2021 or early 2022.

Business Guideline Income Analyzer

This tool is intended to permit lawyers to analyze income coming from businesses in order to determine guideline income. It's meant to learn more about the numbers, summarize, and exchange positions. It won't tell you how much of an expense is personal or how much undistributed profit should be added back, which will still be the court's determination, possibly assisted by a Chartered Business Valuator's Guideline Income Report.

Status: won't start working on this until the above projects are complete.

Other Potential New Features and Tools

These may not all be implemented, but it's a record of what may be coming, depending on interest and available time.

© 2016 to 2025 Kenneth J. Proudman. DISCLAIMER: The tools, documents, and other information herein are not legal, tax, or accounting advice or opinions. This website contains content and files submitted by third parties, to which you download or view at your own risk. By using this website, you agree to release Kenneth J. Proudman, BARR LLP, and Miller Boileau Family Law Group from all present and future claims and liability, including liability arising from any negligence.