
Social Media & Torts in Family Law

Ken Proudman - view Arbitrator profile
BARR LLP (Alberta)

Hosted by CBA Family National in Alberta from 10:00 am to 11:30 am on May 26, 2022



Fareen Jamal, Jamal Family Law
Jessica Schofield, Taylor McCarffery Lawyers
Jimmy E. Peterson, Paine Edmonds Lawyers


Shelley Hounsell-Gray Q.C., Blackburn Law

The judgment of a family law client is often clouded by exhaustion, anxiety, and even revenge. Many clients privately discuss their cases with friends and family, but sometimes these discussions become more public via social media and the internet. Breaches of privacy rights have been addressed through torts - intrusion upon seclusion, public disclosure of private facts, and publicity placing a person in false light - and legislation such as the Intimate Images and Cyber-protection Act, S.N.S. 2017, c. 7. Helping your client appreciate acceptable use of social media and the internet in family law situations may help their interactions with their former spouse, and their relationship with their children. This webinar will help you identify when social media posts cross the line, and understand torts and laws that may apply to your client’s case and relief they may be exposed to or entitled to receive.


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