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Checklists (7)

Annotated Disclosure Checklist
Feb 5, 2019

Designed to be provided to legal assistants and support staff, so that they can assist clients to complete their financial disclosure. For each category of NTD disclosure, this document provides suggestions to help clients retrieve documents when they are experiencing difficulties. There are also suggestions as to how to address adjournments and deadlines.

Want your assistant to learn how to use this? Have them attend LESA's Effective Legal Support: Matrimonial Property Seminar in Edmonton on March 5, 2019, and in Read More]

Office Document Download (138 downloads)

Ken Proudman of BARR LLP (Alberta)0 Comments

Edmonton QB Divorce Checklist and Return Sheet
Jan 30, 2018

PDF Download (95 downloads)

Ken Proudman of BARR LLP (Alberta)0 Comments

Court Notes Memorandum
Apr 17, 2017

Organizational tool to help keep arguments precise, relevant information on hand, and handy references to costs and Rule 9.4(2). Especially useful for lawyers who are new to family law.

This precedent was first presented at LESA's Family Law: Chambers Advocacy and Practice Pointers seminar on April 21, 2017.

Office Document Download (135 downloads)

Ken Proudman of BARR LLP (Alberta)0 Comments

Affidavit Evidence Checklist
Apr 17, 2017

Can be used as a starting point to determine what documentation or information is required from clients, and/or to prepare affidavits.

This manual was first presented at LESA's Family Law: Chambers Advocacy and Practice Pointers seminar on April 21, 2017.

PDF Download (146 downloads)

Ken Proudman of BARR LLP (Alberta)0 Comments

to see even more downloads exclusively for member lawyers.

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