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Email fixed, and new Support / Contact Us page

Ken Proudman Executive
 view Arbitrator profile
   Edmonton, Alberta

UPDATE: emails broke again, so I moved everything over to Mailchimp, which should be much more reliable. The new links to change email frequency or unsubscribe are now easier to use, you don't need to be logged in first. I'm working on cleaning up invalid email addresses as well.

I found out last week that most emails since mid-November haven't been sent due to an email server issue. If you receive this, it should mean that the problem has been fixed. I apologize if any emails have been received multiple times, or if you've missed any content during this period. I've manually contacted people who didn't receive account activation and password reset codes.

Also, while I'm very hesitant to answer emails relating to a website that I've never made any money from, I've added a Contact Us page which lets members report errors or submit ideas for new features: Want to thank me for the time that I've invested into this community? Please consider referring arbitrations and med-arbs to me. I try to offer fixed fee quotes on most disputes.

2 18 months ago - edited 17 months ago

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