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Legal Aid participation survey

Justine Fallu
  Gunn Law Group
   Edmonton, Alberta

I have been asked to circulate a survey that was set up for the Minister of Justice. This is the description:
"WMC is managing the survey. It is completely confidential and no identifying information will be collected. Broad input is being sought to fully inform government on current perspectives related to tariff and FEG rates.

The results of this survey will help inform discussions and decisions on the future state of the legal aid tariff, financial eligibility guidelines and services."

Here is the link:

1 17 months ago

Emma Benarzi Executive
   Calgary, Alberta

Thanks for posting this.

0 17 months ago

Tracy C Brown
 view Arbitrator profile
  Brown Law Group
   Edmonton, Alberta

Not only should all Roster lawyers be receiving this Survey (which they are not - but for informal circulation by Roster lawyers) -- but everyone should consider referring to the bullet points contained in the AFLA response to the recent Tariff increase (ATTACHED HERE). Some of the questions on the Survey are a perfect opportunity to provide specific suggestions for what improvements are needed.

Download - PDF file attached - Feb 8, 2023

Caution: we recommend that you scan this file for viruses and malware prior to opening or otherwise using it.

3 17 months ago

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