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ACWS Training for Family Lawyers on FV Danger Assessment

Tracy C Brown
 view Arbitrator profile
  Brown Law Group
   Edmonton, Alberta

All - I was asked to pass along info on this FV training which may be of interest.

The Alberta Counsel for Women's Shelters (ACWS) has received funding to provide Family lawyers with FV Danger Assessment training.

Specifically, the training is on a "Danger Assessment Tool" to help assess the level of danger for femicide.

The all-day FREE virtual Trainings are scheduled for May 8, June 1, 22, July 6, 19 are available on a first come, first serve basis and registration is required at

If this link doesn't work -- contact the ACWS. I understand that in-person training is available on request to groups or law firms.

2 16 months ago

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