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Do you know about Co-Parenting College?

Glenda Lux
  Lux Psychology
   Calgary, Alberta

Looking for a virtual co-parenting course that goes well beyond the PAS (Parenting After Separation) course and focuses on complex co-parenting dynamics?

Take a look at Co-Parenting College! I will help teach your clients to “Stay Sane, Be Wise and Give Their Kids What They Need!”

I am extremely pleased to introduce to you my online coparenting course:

For those that don’t know me, my name is Glenda Lux and I am a psychologist in Calgary. My practice is predominately working with co-parents in conflicted contexts be it as an assessor (PN8 and PN7), a co-parenting coordinator, a co-parenting coach, etc.

I created this course because of the demand for co-parenting coaching services when families could not get in to see me personally. In it your clients will find a great deal of content that I would typically cover during co-parenting coaching sessions.

Here is why your clients should consider visiting Co-parenting College and taking this course:

Their Kids: The course equips parents with meaningful and practical tools to help their children think critically, stand up for themselves, and navigate the often rocky and emotional road of complicated co-parenting. They will learn strategies to support their children's adjustment, coping mechanisms, and how to have a continued positive impact, despite co-parenting challenges.

Effectiveness: Through the course, parents will learn how to effectively manage the gamut of difficult communication that arises in challenging co-parenting situations. They will gain the skills to stop using ineffective communication methods that only worsen the situation.

Peace: Setting and holding boundaries with confidence can be a significant challenge. This course teaches parents what types of boundaries they need to establish and provides them with the right words to use. They will also learn how to exercise the boundary-setting muscle, enabling them to establish a sense of peace even when their co-parent challenges them at every turn.

Sanity: Difficult co-parenting can take an emotional toll. My course provides parents with tools to disengage, detach, and unhook from their difficult co-parent, allowing them to break free from the unwanted grip that impacts their well-being. By recognizing co-parenting triggers, they can respond in ways that align with who they truly are.

Knowledge: The course helps parents recognize the signs of a difficult co-parent and unreasonable behavior. With this knowledge, they will shift from confusion to clarity and be better equipped to understand what they are dealing with and how to effectively handle it.

The Big Picture: This program encourages parents to focus on what truly matters to them as their guiding force. They will learn how just one parent alone can have a significant positive impact on their child's well-being, even amid a co-parenting storm. By creating a safe and peaceful space for their children, they can help them thrive despite the challenges they may be facing in the co-parenting dynamic.

Lawyers, ask me about scheduling a Lunch and Learn overview of the course. I can be reached at:

2 48 days ago - edited 48 days ago

Anonymous 2019
   Other Region, Alberta

Hi Glenda,

This is a really great idea, though I wouldn't mind some more information before I refer my clients to your program. Are there counsel out there who have referred clients to you that might be willing to share their experiences?

0 45 days ago

Glenda Lux
  Lux Psychology
   Calgary, Alberta

Happy to provide you with information. Are you able to email me?

0 45 days ago

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