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Website Construction Status

Ken Proudman Executive
 view Arbitrator profile
   Edmonton, Alberta

Marginal tax calculator: I completed this several months ago, but I need to update the tax rates, and create a form so that I can easily update the rates on a regular basis, without having to update the scripts themselves. So for now, it's only visible to me. I'm hoping to have this up within a month, and will post a new announcement once it's accessible.

Matrimonial Property Statement: This is more than halfway complete, as I started it a couple of years ago. But I probably won't be able to spend more time on it until next winter.

Business Guideline Income Analyzer: This project hasn't been started yet, so it might not be ready until 2018 or 2019.

Other items on the to-do list:
- I'm working on a way to reset passwords.
- I'm still working on browser compatibility, especially in relation to older browsers. Does anyone want to lend me their Macbook for a day so that I can improve this site's compatibility?
- I'll be adding a way to upgrade/customize your account.
- I'll probably add a way to "follow" posts or other members.

0 7 years ago

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