
Family Counsel Future Features Survey

Ken Proudman Executive
 view Arbitrator profile
   Edmonton, Alberta

I have a number of features that I plan on creating for this website, some of which I've started work on already. I'm trying to figure out what to prioritize though, so I'd appreciate your participation in a very short survey.

Can you let me know which of the 13 features listed in the survey you'd be likely to use, assuming that they were put together in an easy-to-use and helpful manner?

Survey link:

Feel free to add any other feedback or feature suggestions in the comments. Thank you!

0 3 years ago

Kathy Drouin-Carey
  Pathways Law
   Edmonton, Alberta

You've got some great ideas, Ken! Thank you for all the work you are putting into this. I really appreciate the collaborative tone this website and community are creating, and it looks like you are working to expand the collaboration further. It's great to see.

1 3 years ago

Ken Proudman Executive
 view Arbitrator profile
   Edmonton, Alberta

You're very welcome Kathy, and thank you for the kind words! I used to be a computer programmer, and come from a family of teachers, so this hobby has been a pleasure

0 3 years ago - edited 3 years ago

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