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Officially launched! Seeking contributors

Ken Proudman Executive
 view Arbitrator profile
   Edmonton, Alberta

Welcome new members! Marla Miller, QC sent out an announcement email last week, which means that we have officially launched!

We now have 65 registered lawyers, and more seem to trickle in every day, as family lawyers find out about this website. We would greatly appreciate if you could let your colleagues know about this website. An announcement graphic is below, but can also be found at

The only way this website will catch on is if people feel comfortable posting, and know that their questions will be answered relatively quickly. That means it would help our community tremendously if you could post a couple of times a week on this website, either by replying to new content, or by posting your own questions on the Discussion Board.

We're also looking for contributors who are willing to share precedents, articles they've written, or periodically add news about new developments. If you'd like to help, please phone me at (780) 482-2888 or email me. We'll also be reaching out to some of the various family law firms.

Attached image: Announcement
- Jun 19, 2017

1 6 years ago

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