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Save the date: NEW LESA seminar: Advanced Negotiation Techniques for Family Lawyers

Ken Proudman Executive
 view Arbitrator profile
   Edmonton, Alberta

Erin Hnit of my office and I are co-chairing a brand new seminar. This is NOT the same as the interest-based negotiation course. The focus will be on thorny family-law-specific issues, and dealing with the most difficult files, rather than interest-based techniques and four-way meetings.

We'll be going over topics such as how to respond to aggressive negotiation techniques and bad behaviour, strategies to address the touchy topics of spousal support and parenting, and the science of settlement (offer-concession strategies, when to share/block information, competitive negotiation strategies, etc).

Dates are:
- Calgary: June 2, 2022
- Livestream: June 14, 2022
- Edmonton: June 14, 2022

LESA wants to approve our proposed list of panelists before we can invite them, but I'm hoping to be able to announce them soon.

Hope you can make it!

0 2 years ago

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