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CBA - Lawyer Arrangements in Small & Mid-size firms

Tracy C Brown
 view Arbitrator profile
  Brown Law Group
   Edmonton, Alberta

The CBA Small Solo & General Practice North Section is hosting a lunch meeting on Friday, June 3rd on the topic: "Employee vs Cost-Share vs Split Receipt Lawyer Arrangements" with Employment lawyer Ron Smith of Willis Law, Tax lawyer Chad Brown of Barkwell Brown, and Darren Queck of Queck & Associates.

This is a round-table meeting format encouraging participation.

We will be discussing the pros and cons of various lawyer compensation arrangements (firm vs lawyer perspectives), contract tips & traps, and considerations for the incorporated employee.

0 2 years ago - edited 2 years ago

Chad Brown
   Edmonton, Alberta

Hopefully they will discuss this, however, it is extremely risky to have an associate lawyer incorporate a PC and have their compensation paid to the PC. The risk of being classified as a "personal services business" is high and the tax results are very punitive to the PSB corporation (i.e. the associate). There is lots written on PSBs available online and through the CRA website.

2 2 years ago

Tracy C Brown
 view Arbitrator profile
  Brown Law Group
   Edmonton, Alberta

Thanks Chad! Just added you to the speaker list -- much appreciated. Now everyone can get all the bad news straight from the source!

1 2 years ago

Anonymous 2020
   Edmonton Region, Alberta

I would love to attend this. How do I go about getting an invitation

1 2 years ago

Tracy C Brown
 view Arbitrator profile
  Brown Law Group
   Edmonton, Alberta

It's a CBA Small Solo & General Practice Section meeting so -- if you are a member of the CBA it's super easy -- and you should have the announcements in your email. If you are not a member of the CBA then you need to piggyback on a lawyer colleague who can sign up and you can un-officially partake. The CBA usually doesn't make the meetings or webinars accessible unless you are member - one of the main perks of membership! It's not the cheapest membership but I have always found it to be invaluable. Doesn't help much for this week though - and the programming year is ending this month. But hopefully there is someone in your office or around who might be signing up.

0 2 years ago - edited 2 years ago

Anonymous 2020
   Edmonton Region, Alberta

Thank you for your response. If I were to renew my membership today, would I still be able to attend this?

0 2 years ago

Tracy C Brown
 view Arbitrator profile
  Brown Law Group
   Edmonton, Alberta

I'm not sure but contact Heather Walsh at the CBA Edmonton office and she can let you know what's possible.

0 2 years ago

Anonymous 2020
   Edmonton Region, Alberta

Thank you!

0 2 years ago

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