What changes should be made to family law?

These proposals let family law lawyers discuss and vote on what changes they think should be made to the law or court procedures. The results can be viewed and shared with legislators and the Courts. The proposals put forth are written by member lawyers, and do not necessarily reflect the views of this website or its administrators. You can view more proposals or make a proposal yourself.

Proposal: Regular Chambers is working well
Court Procedure - Dec 22, 2021

67% in favour out of 9 votes

Ken Proudman Executive
 view Arbitrator profile
   Edmonton, Alberta

This time the QB Family Law Consulting Committee is seeking feedback regarding chambers. They're looking for both criticism and praise of what does work well, and any suggestions about how to improve the process. I will pass along your feedback, or you're welcome to provide feedback directly to Teri Burant at or 780-970-6291. Please provide feedback by January 18, 2022.

0 2 years ago

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